Book Review of Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia (Seokwoo Lee, ed. 2021)

Document Type : Book Review


University of Qom


The Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia copyrighted in 2021(3 regional volumes) is an invaluable work of numerous distinguished authors. This comprehensive collection drafted by eminent academic scholars, describes how Asian States deal and interact with public international law. The book organized in 16 State Volumes, reveals the examination of international law and its application in Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia, and Central and South Asia. This reference work has a distinctive feature, compared with others of the genre, in the way that it places a strong focus on the States as the main actors in law-making and law enforcement in international law. Numerous timely issues in international law are covered in each State Volume. Thus this encyclopedia offers a thorough consideration of the many dimensions of Asian States’ approaches to international matters. Iran Volume is also included in the book which will be briefly analyzed in this book review. In this brief text, I will try to give a short overview of the book’s main points and discuss some detailed opinions about it.


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Book Review of Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia (Seokwoo Lee, ed. 2021)
Book Review of Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia (Seokwoo Lee, ed. 2021)
Book Review of Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia (Seokwoo Lee, ed. 2021)
Book Review of Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia (Seokwoo Lee, ed. 2021)