Iran’s Involvement in Russia’s Military Operations in Ukraine: An International Law Perspective

Document Type : Original Article


Ph.D. Candidate in Public International Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.


The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has been dragged into political and legal fields in parallel with the battlefield, and the international community, including Iran, has been subsequently drawn into the situation. The controversial debates concerning Iran’s role in supplying Russia with armed drones prior to and during Russia’s Military Operations in Ukraine raise the question of Iran's international responsibility in the ongoing war. The provision of armed drones to Russia does not, in itself, constitute a violation of international law unless Iran knowingly and intentionally engaged in an internationally wrongful act. Evidence is not conclusive so far whether Iran's transfer of armed drones to Russia is a breach of international law. Besides, the use of the drones yielded military advantages to both sides: Russia could narrow down the impact of its attacks, respecting the principle of distinction, while Ukraine could target Iranian drones more easily than Russia’s missiles, which is compatible with Iran’s positive obligations under International Humanitarian Law (IHL).


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