Scrutinizing Provisions of the Islamic Penal Code of Islamic Republic of Iran combating Pirate Impunity: From Classic Piracy to Modern Piracy

Document Type : State Practice


1 Department of International Law, Faculty of Law, University of Qom, Qom, Islamic Republic of Iran

2 University of Qom.



Modern piracy is one of the major problems facing the world today, which has created problems for international order and governments on international waterways by creating insecurity. Modern piracy is an act similar to traditional piracy that has emerged in a new form and differs from the classic form in the use of violence, scope of activities, means used, and motives. Jurisdiction of these crimes is currently the responsibility of the domestic courts. Despite the ongoing efforts of the international community to bring the perpetrators to justice in domestic courts, governments and international law have not had much success. The challenging issue of jurisdiction is one of the issues facing the government in court proceedings. However, following the enactment of some Security Council resolutions, universal jurisdiction is considered in various interpretations. Nevertheless, the Islamic Republic of Iran has followed specific procedures on this issue, and in accordance with the laws of this country, in addition to universal jurisdiction, territorial and personal jurisdiction is also considered to address modern piracy immunity. the Articles 3, 4, 7, 8, and 9 of the Islamic Penal Code, it is clear that the Islamic Republic of Iran has considerable jurisdiction over those accused of modern piracy. It is undeniable that there is still a lot of capacity in legislation that needs to be addressed. One of these capabilities is the attention to the gaps and shortcomings in the definition of piracy and its punishment in the Islamic Penal Code, which has led to it being viewed as part of another crime. Albeit Iranian courts, based on the principles of the Universality, territorial and personal jurisdiction which has been enunciated in the said Articles of the Islamic Penal Code, do have jurisdiction over cases of piracy.


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