Number of Submissions 142
Rejected Submissions 37
Reject Rate 26
Accepted Submissions 59
Acceptance Rate 42
Time to Accept (Days) 159


The Iranian Journal of International and Comparative Law (IJICL) is an academic journal founded by University of Qom, Iran. IJICL is a double-blind peer reviewed, no-fee and open accessed journal. The journal follows publication ethics of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) guidelines. All manuscripts will be checked for similarity through iThenticate Plagiarism Detection Software. IJICL is committed to publish in-depth studies of contemporary issues in international and comparative law done by authors and experts around the world.

The journal explores all issues at the forefront of international and comparative law, including International Law of Armed Conflicts and International Humanitarian Law, International Law and the Use of Force, International Human Rights Law, International Criminal Law and Criminology, International Economic Law, International Trade Law, International Investment Law, International Monetary Law, The Law of International Treaties, The Law of International Organizations, International Intellectual Property Law, Peaceful Means for Dispute Settlement, International Law of the Seas, International Aerial and Outer Space Law, International Energy Law, International Environmental Law, International Labor Law, The law of State Responsibility, Private International Law, Philosophy of International Law, Islam and International Law and all comparative legal studies in Private, Public, Criminal, Intellectual law etc. in different legal systems of the countries. 

Print ISSN: 2980-9282
Online ISSN: 2980-9584
Language: English       
Article Processing Charges: No
Open Access: Yes
Publication Dates:  January, July
Phone Number: +982532103614

Forms to be Uploaded by Author

Authorship Form

Conflict of Interest Form


IJICL has a interaction and connection with the Series of Conferences of Iran and International Law (IIL). Please find IIL archives in the links below

Iran and International Law: Regional Peace and Security

International Law and Armed Conflicts in the West Asia

International Arbitration: Teachings of Iran_United States Claims Tribunal


Current Issue: Volume 2, Issue 1, June 2024 

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